More on TMO
© 2003
>> Posture: Should the TMO be done standing up ? I ask because the green Malkuth sphere has to be visualized "below your feet" <<
I recommend that for the purpose of learning TMO (i.e, the first three Lessons), you do so in a standing position. However, if this is impossible or inconvenient, it can be done in a sitting or prone position. When sitting, the Malkuth sphere occurs just below the base of the spine.
>> Number: How many times should the canticle be repeated in any "sitting" ? I know that there is no absolute number for this but are there "heuristics" like Bardon's "10 minutes" ? <<
I hadn't actually considered this question before. :) I think a good number per sitting during the learning process would be six, but that's just a guess. I'd appreciate hearing the opinions of others who learned TMO from the audio Lessons.
>> Emotions: When the "whisper" mode is used, the aspirant is supposed to put his emotions into the speech. I am a little unsure of what this means. Let's take an example from ordinary speech: say "Shut the door when you go out " -- this sentence can be said "emotionally" in a lot of ways, the emotion depending on the mood of the speaker. So does this mean that the aspirant should "feel" a particular mood when speaking the canticle? It is a bit difficult to derive emotion about a fairly neutral sentence like " I am IHVH, master of ... " !:-) <<
I suggest that you meditate upon the meaning of the canticle and really put yourself *into* the speaking of it. You will need to *find* your passion here and bring it into your speaking of the canticle.
The canticle is a statement of power, of personally *being* the IHVH-ADNI. That is a very passionate experience.
>> Drawing down the light: Should I visualize the "channels of light" between the spheres so there is a beam of light drawn from top-of-head to left temple to right temple to solar plexus etc ? <<
>> In this case I get an asymmetric diagram. For example, there is a "line of light" from right temple to solar plexus bit no line from left temple to solar plexus is this ok ? <<
>> What colors should these channels be? Or should I just visualize the spheres and forget the channels ? <<
The Kethric Light is best described as a "white brilliance" and this is how the channels should be visualized. Both the channels filled with the white brilliance of the Kethric Light *and* the spheres must be visualized.
>> Swirling rainbow light: Does "clockwise" mean from to right to back to left to front ? <<
>> Something weird I noticed. because I was unsure of which direction to rotate the light so I "let it be" and it swirled in the *opposite direction*!! To make it swirl "clockwise" (front-right-left-back) takes a (very) light touch of will!! I hope I am not imagining things!! <<
Many folks have mentioned this. Nonetheless, the Adonai Light must be made to circulate clockwise.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
06 Oct 2003
>> On which plane can we project the Kethric light? All? Akashic, mental, astral, physical ? <<
The Kethric Light can be projected on all planes, as can the Adonai Light. In fact, when you get to Lesson Seven and beyond, you will discover that once the Adonai Light comes into being (as a result of the unification of all the levels of Self within *a* temporal moment) it simultaneously exists at every level of Self, not just the material level.
>> Can we program the triple-shield for the magical equilibrium of the four elements in the mental, astral, physical bodies? <<
No, that is not a function of a shield.
>> Can we mold the light by pronouncing a kabbalistic letter on a specific plane? <<
The Rainbow-hued Adonai Light contains *all* the colors of Light. One can, by properly pronouncing a Letter in a kabbalistic manner, cause the Adonai Light to condense to the single color of that Letter.
>> Can we practice TMO in a travel in 8T to increase our awareness in a sphere, for example? <<
Yes. This would be a variation on Lesson Six ("Consciousness Raising") in which one learns to perform TMO from each of the five levels of Self encompassed by the canticle.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
07 Oct 2003
>> In Q&A FB talks of getting into the right mental state as a prelude to practice (question 16 page 22 second paragraph). I was wondering if TMO would be suitable in this context. <<
Yes, very much so. TMO can be very centering, integrating and elevating, all at the same time.
>> Would you please explain how FB's definitions of God and Godhead fit into the structure of TMO. <<
I'll start with a quote from the Theory section of IIH:
"He [the magician] holds his God in awe as he knows himself to have been created in his image, consequently to be a part of God. He sees his lofty ideal, his first duty and his sacred objective in the union with the Godhead, in becoming the God-man."
With TMO, one develops the awareness and *experience* that one IS a "part of God". One consciously participates in the Godhead as God-man.
The "IHVH" sequence represents the integration of the four Divine Qualities and spans both the temporal and eternal realms which compose the "body of God".
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
15 Oct 2003
>> Once you can practice Lesson Five pretty well, it seems like it would be more effective to use 'consciousness raising' when you charge things (like shields, gemstones, etc) rather than the previous method of visualizing spheres as in Lesson Four- is that correct? <<
:) Yes! This is really the essence of TMO. It's the process of shifting the focus of awareness sequentially and integrating all those levels of focused awareness into the Malkuth level (the final Heh of the "Ani, IHVH" sequence), which generates the Rainbow-hued Adonai Light. There's a definite learning curve or progression to the Lessons. The first four Lessons are what enable mastery of the fifth, and so on.
This is also the stage where *visualization* becomes raw *perception*. The levels of consciousness must be *perceived* and *experienced*, not just visualized.
At some point, this leads one to the "Final Form" of TMO in which the entire practice is a matter of shifting and unifying micro-focus within the larger Kethric Macro-focus, without uttering a word of the canticle, mentally, astrally or physically. One *becomes* the canticle instead of uttering it.
>> If so, is there any reason to use the 'visualizing spheres' method instead? <<
To me, they are like training wheels on your first bicycle. :)
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
12 Nov 2003