
Rawn & David on YouTube!
W3AREONE is a collaborative effort by David Coleman (of Astral Visions fame), Rawn Clark (of ABardonCompanion, RawnMade & TMO fame) and Scorpia (our puppy companion of Extreme Cuteness fame). Over the years we've come to realize that some things (usually the most important things) are better said than written, so here we are with our new camcorder in hand, setting out on a journey into the e-realms of video production! :) Our style will be relaxed, personal, intimate and honest, conversational and instructive, to the point and not over-long.
Our aim is to present videos that cover a variety of topics from hands-on practical to far-flung esoteric inspirational to social commentary. Our joint experience in hermetics, astrology and kabbalah will, of course, form the foundation of each presentation. For example, our first presentation will be a series of six or seven 15 minute videos on practical work with stones (Mineral Familiars: BEing With Stones), all based upon our personal experience and presented with the aim of empowering you to develop your own magical relationship with stones. We have a growing list of topics we plan to cover but are always eager to learn what others wish to hear from us so we encourage you to send us your suggestions!
Join us on YouTube and on Facebook!
As our name, W3AREONE, suggests, we are acutely aware of the urgency of forming a conscious human collective awareness as the only possible remedy for both the world we have created, and the world we have destroyed. Each of our video presentations seeks to push us collectively forward toward human unification and to honor, heal and preserve the natural collective that surrounds and sustains us all. Love is the answer and the way . . .
David, Rawn & Scorpia
Beltane, 2014

New Blog by David Coleman!
"Greetings, and welcome to my new journal. For those of you just dropping by who don’t know me, my name is David and I am the author of a book called ‘The 26 Keys: the magic of the astral light‘, in which I present a new approach to astrology which is a fusion of my experience as both an astrologer and a magician. In this journal I will be adding to what I wrote in The 26 Keys as well as commenting on various issues related to magic, astrology and the world in general when viewed from these perspectives. Its a kind of magical Mystery Box really."
Healing, Magic and
Original Articles & Audio Transcripts
240 page Paperback
$18.00 at
& The 32 Paths of Wisdom Tarot
230 page
Full Color paperback
$37.00 at
Meditation Project
Tenth Anniversary Edition
128 page
Full Color paperback
$26.50 at
Permutations of the Tree
The 182 Gates of the Gra Tree of Life
By Rawn Clark
182 page Full Color paperback
Available through Amazon.com
The 26 Keys
The Magic of the Astral Light
By David Coleman
506 pages $28.75
Available in paperback through Amazon.com!
A Bardon Companion
Expanded Second Edition
520 pages
Available in paperback (through Amazon.com) or as an eBook (.pdf, .epub & .mobi) in our new online Shop!
David Coleman's Astral Visions Merges With ABC.com
Hermetic astrologer David Coleman is now offering his services through ABC.com! :)
Visit David's Astral Visions page to learn more about ordering a natal chart, several very exciting and unique new astrological "tools" or arrange for an astrological consultation by phone. Welcome to ABC.com David! :)