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Questions about Fluid Condensers

Message 00084 of 3835

Bardon writes in Initiation into Hermetics that essentially 
everything is a fluid condenser in one respect or another. However, 
he goes on to write that certain substances are better attracters and 
stores of the two fluids than other substances, then going on to list 
a number of rather potent forms of fluid condensers and how to create 

Now, since a fluid condenser is essentially anything that attracts 
and contains the magnetic and/or electrical fluid, is it not safe to 
say that this extends to substances that are astral and mental in 
nature as well? Is a visualization a fluid condenser? A thought? A 
strongly felt emotion? If so, what would be the consequences of this? 
How would you work with an astral or mental fluid condenser? Wouldn't 
a thoughtform/elemental be a mental or astral fluid condenser?

Just a few random thoughts and questions, brightest blessings.
Peter Reist


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