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Akasha Musings Follow-up

Message 00083 of 3835

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/RM/ wrote:

"Nevertheless, I was wondering what Rawn (and others) thought of 
beginners trying to use Step 1 magickal practices to make changes in 
the external world. For example, I would currently like to expand my 
social circle (I have quite a few friends already but I'm very 
social and get particular pleasure when new people enter my life). 
In addition to the usual mundane efforts in support of that goal I 
was wondering if it would be advisable to "put out a mental call" 
through the Akasha inviting (on the Mental Plane) others into my 
life who have the potential to become new friends.

If this is an advisable use of Step 1 magick, how would I go about 
doing it? Should I imprint the Akasha of the air around me with 
the "call" or should I try to visualize the mental plane (perhaps as 
some misty realm) and use my will to send out my call though that 
level of reality? Does anyone have any suggestions?"
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Rawn Responded:

"I suggest that you experiment with the ideas you've brought up and 
see *for yourself* if they work, how well they work, etc. :)"
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My follow-up:

It works! I spent a month using Conscious Intake of Breath and 
Eucharist Magick focused on increasing my social circle. Throughout 
that month nothing of note happened.(!) :( 

I eventually gave up and switched my efforts to CIB and EM aimed at 
increasing my strength of will. Within a day or two of giving up, 
the magick of my previous effort manifested. Old friends I haven't 
heard from in years have been contacting me, social contacts that 
have waned have been reinvigorated, several people I have intended 
to talk to have dropped by to introduce themselves and so on.

OK, well this is not about my social life it's about the magick. Why 
did the magick manifest after I switched my attention to something 
else? Was the timing just a coincidence or is this some property of 
the Mental Plane? I'd be grateful for any insights you folks would 
care to share.



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