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Soul Mirrors and the Elements - EARTH

Message 00331 of 3835

Greetings All,

Here is my post on Earth. In this post, I have offered some trait examples, for possible Soul Mirror considerations, but more for the purpose of adding some illumination to the various characteristics of Earth.

For the purposes of the practice of magic using the Hermetic approach, any solid is classified as Earth in the physical realm.

Earth is *Form*. Since Earth, in the Hermetic sense, is the combined action of Fire, Water and Air, it can be said to share similarities with the remaining three elements. However, the one distinguishing characteristic of Earth is *Form*. All of the Earth's other characteristics are extensions of this. Each expression of its own internal Fire, Water and Air, is rooted in Form and this is really what distinguishes the Watery nature of Earth from Water itself, the Fiery nature of Earth from Fire itself, etc.

Earth is Non-Mutable. Though one kind of Earth may be changed as so to be another, it is still Earth. Though it may be easily expressed as, or alloyed with Air, Sun-Fire, and/or Water, it is still Earth.

In working our Soul Mirrors, we might consider terms like obstinate, stubborn, headstrong, stiff-necked, bullheaded, pigheaded, mulish, dogged, pertinacious. These adjectives mean tenaciously unwilling to yield. Obstinate implies unreasonable rigidity; Stubborn pertains to innate, often perverse resoluteness or unyieldingness. You might be able to see how these traits can be different elements mixed with Earth in a combination, and yet remain attributed to Earth, because of a reference to Form. Consider: One who is headstrong is stubbornly, often recklessly willful (i.e. Fire within Earth). Stiff-necked implies stubbornness combined with arrogance or aloofness (Air within Earth). Bullheaded suggests foolish or irrational obstinacy (Water within Earth), and pigheaded, stupid obstinacy. Mulish implies the obstinacy and intractability associated with a mule. Dogged emphasizes stubborn perseverance: dogged persistence. Pertinacious stresses a tenacity of purpose, opinion, or course of action that is sometimes viewed as vexatious. All of these traits can be seen in the non-mutable characteristic of Earth. You might also note that most of these examples evoke an image of Form, often in the shape of a head: human, bull, pig, mule, and dog <g>.

Earth is Receptive. Technical people like my MSEE husband would couple Reception with Transmission: The Earth receives inter-stellar radio transmissions, for example. When loading or charging a solid form with energy, we use this property of Earth. It's Receptivity indicates Earth traits might also be ready and willing to receive favorably new ideas: acceptant, open-minded.

Earth is Absorptive. It has the capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up even more Fire, Air, and Water. Every physical body in our galaxy absorbs the sun's radiation. Magicians often use this characteristic to "ground" excess energy. Consider too, how charcoal absorbs smells, and how iron oxidizes. (And why is it that we take antioxidants for health, if not to counter our bodies oxidizing?) Think of a dry sponge, silently soaking up a spill, or the thirsty earth absorbing a gentle rain. Character traits might include: absorbency, assimilation, bibulousness. Earth's absorptivity is not necessarily passive, however. It can even be said to suck, in that it draws in so that extrication is difficult, creating words like: embrangle, embroil, implicate, involve, mix up, suck. Its absorbency and receptiveness gives Earth a feminine gender.

Earth is moderately Reflective. Prime examples come to mind: the moon, reflecting the sun's radiation, or a mirror, or any shiny object, reflecting light. Sound too can be reflected from Earth, and this property creates such terms as echo, reecho, reflect, resound, reverberate.

Earth is the Stabilizer. Solid Form imparts steadiness, or reliability (motionlessness) in withstanding pressure, force, or stress: fastness, firmness, hardness, security, soundness, stability, stableness, strength, sturdiness, sureness.

Earth is Integration. It is that which is put together; it gives Form or Shape. It is the electromagnetic Four-Pole Magnet.

Earth is Solidness. Pure Earth is neither expandable nor compressible, and does not transmit Fire (Fire cannot pass through Earth). It can be seen as "solid like a rock" dependability. These Earth traits are, for example, reliable, responsible, trustworthy, trusty. These adjectives mean worthy of reliance or trust.

Earth is Strength. Its Force of Endurance (or lastingness), should not to be confused with Power, which disperses or moves things. It has massiveness, which, in the language of our physical sciences, defines Mass as resistance to change, or resistance to force of motion. This is not the same as weight, which is mass acted on by, or plus, gravity. Fortitude quickly comes to my mind here. Strength in this regard refers especially to physical, mental, or moral robustness or vigor.

You have likely heard of "the irresistible force meeting an immovable object." One of my sources reads, concerning this, "Our Universe is apparently exactly that, as is any functional battery. Fire gives change and motion, while Earth gives form and direction to the change and motion. In a really simplistic sense, the mechanics of levers seems to apply -- a lever, no matter how long, is of no use without a fulcrum to pry across. Spirit, without some kind of anchoring physical Universe *Form*, is like a lever with no fulcrum." Perhaps then, our existence in these bodies has more purpose than we realize.

Thank you Rawn, for helping me with this Element!

My best to you!

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