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Re: a question or two..

Message 00487 of 3835

Dear Chenxsi,

>> I've read a couple of messages saying that if u enter into emptiness
of mind from your one-pointed focus, u will get deeper and deeper into
the true meaning of the point of focus.
But why is it tat i can't feel as if i have gone deeper into the meaning
of my focus?? I have just started my emptiness of mind
tat the reason why? <<

This is most likely the reason. Once you've mastered the EOM, you'll
likely have greater success.

>> Observing my mind, there seem to be a "feeling" tat i have lost the
ability to act, and many thoughts tat suggest tat i have lost the
ability. I would exclude all these negative thoughts, but in the end my
mind would be so blank tat i cannot act. Acting requires a natural flow
of thoughts to my mind, but there seem to be a demon in my mind blocking
this flow of thoughts to assist in my acting. Can someone enlighten me
about this?? <<

To my mind, this sounds like a subconscious self-protective mechanism.
The degree of immersion into your character that you describe represents
an imbalance that, if maintained indefinitely, would mean the loss of
your true self in favor of your character-self. The normal subconscious
mind will not allow this to happen since it would violate its own
instinct of self-preservation. In other words, this is not a demon in
your mind -- it's a guardian or ally meant to protect you.

I suggest that you respect the lead of this guardian, instead of trying
to fight or overcome it. How about experimenting with a bit more
control over your immersion into your character? Immerse yourself into
your character-self and then after a while, consciously withdraw back
into your true self. I think this will enable you to regain your
immersion as needed since your guardian would not be going into
protection mode and severing the immersion altogether.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
20 Feb 2003


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