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Re: Magical charging of food and drink

Message 00507 of 3835

Greetings all,

Rawn responded to the query:
>> Also what about sharing food or drinks (I have a partner). Bardon
absolutely advises against leaving anything unconsumed that has been
charged. How does this apply to other people eating your charged
comestibles? <<

Part of building the intention here is that you treat the food that
you've charged as special. This means that no one else should consume
it while it is charged. If you have left-overs, then remove what charge
remains in them before disposing of them or sharing them with others.
If your partner regularly eats a portion of your food, then set aside
this portion and don't charge it. Charge only the portion that you will
be consuming.

When I would make jams and preserves, back when we had an orchard, I was in the habit of enchanting the whole batch with Universal Love. I would stay very focused upon my intent throughout the process, and added meaningful gestures, etc. I took great care with these products, so that they would be very special. I even polished the jars so that they would sparkle with the inner light. Everyone who ate the jams at my table, would close their eyes and smile as if they had just been kissed. That was my sole intent - that whosoever partook of the magickal jam, would feel the love of the Universe. Nothing more. All said my jams had a certain element in them that they had never tasted before, and that they couldn't exactly put their finger on it, but it was good. Mind you, I served this only to my family and dear friends.

If I feel my marriage needs a little kick, be it peace, love or spice, I will often work my magicks in the kitchen, and always for the higher good.


I first wrote the above to Rawn privately, not wanting to derail the list, and asked him, "Would a Hermetist say I was wrong in doing this?" Rawn responded, and prompted me to share this with the rest of you:

From: "Rawn Clark" <rawnclark@...>
To: "Amberlyn" <amberlyn@...>
Subject: Re: Re: [BardonPraxis] Magical charging of food and drink

Dear Amberlyn,

>> Would a Hermetist say I was wrong in doing this? <<

;-) Heavens no! A Hermeticist would say, "Right On!!!! She's a
magician!"! ;) What you have described is the essence of the
Eucharistic magic that Bardon described. The only difference is that
Bardon de-personalized it and distilled out the essential technique that
can be applied to a broader variety of circumstances and media.

I think you should relate what you told me about your magic of food to
the BardonPraxis list! It's an excellent example of how the techniques
learned in IIH can/should be personalized, made practical and given the
spark of spontaneity. [You can quote me on that! :)]

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
25 Feb 2003

Thank you so much Rawn <smile>. Now, back to the kitchen to prepare supper <g>.


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