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RE: Anger

Message 00698 of 3835

Here are a few ideas:

Try beating and/or kicking a punching bag until you feel completely
exhausted. Let it all out in a ”controlled” environment. 
I’ve done
this, by the way, and it works-- for me at least. Just be careful not to
hurt yourself in the process.

I heard tearing up newspapers with your bare hands is useful, too. The
point is you let all the energy out without complicating your life in
the process. Then, maybe, you can relax and feel a little hmm-hmm good.
And just maybe, it would be possible to meditate as you see fit.

Also, someone mentioned (off board) that Michelangelo sculpted statues
while in a furious frenzy, thereby letting the anger out in a
constructive way. He claimed he could “see” the finished statue 
the amorphous rock, waiting to be discovered. Right there’s an
interesting use of visualization for ya, don’t you think? Interesting
how that’s yet another way the whole IIH system can help improve the
quality of life….plus whatever you make in the process, you can later
sell on e-Bay. ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Luca Provenza [mailto:basim326@...]
Sent: martes, 22 de abril de 2003 12:16
Subject: [BardonPraxis] Anger

I'm not really sure if this is appropriate for this group, but I feel
it is, since this is a very important topic (at least to me)...

I started thinking this over about the time someone (I can't remember
who) pointed out that, at the beginning of Rawn's absence, the deluge
of posts shrank to a bare trickle, and that we should have faith in
ourselves and so on - I wanted to post this then, but I thought that
I could handle it myself.

Thing is, I can't - see, I have a problem with anger; it's not that I
get angry at the drop of a hat, or that I take it out on people who
don't deserve it. It's that, in recent months, I've been exposed and,
in a few cases, subjected to discrimination of some of the most
insidious sorts. For example, I have been thoughtfully informed that
I am less than human because I am heterosexual and male, and I have
seen massively muscled men over six feet tall take pleasure from
taking a girl, barely 5'7", and twisting her arm behind her back
until she screamed and then saying it was a joke. I've learned that
the girl who used me for attention a while back caused the
psychological scarring that I have to this day to make a point - that
men are weaker than women - that love doesn't exist, or it's a
liability if it does.

It frightens me - I see these people being reduced to a level less
than human because of something that they were born with. They didn't
choose to be male or female or white or black, yet their experiences,
their feelings, and everything that they believe in is totally
invalidated. _My_ thoughts and feelings are invalidated because I'm
male. And these racists and sexists are forcing themselves on others.

Now - as far as Hermetics goes - I've been trying to keep my cool and
failing miserably. I want to find some way to give these people an
empathy for what they're doing or, failing that, neutralize them -
but I can't. The law protects them - if I disagree with them, I'm a
homophobe or sexist or racist and I need to be sent for sensitivity
training. Of course, if I were to lose it completely, I'd be arrested
for a hate crime even if my reasons for doing it were completely

I guess I'm rambling, but I'm just wondering: what can you do? What
can I do? This is interfering with me like nothing else has; I have
visions in my head of giving these people what they deserve (in my
lower mind, at least, which includes beating the crap out of them)
and I have problems cooling down; I've resorted to working until I'm
too tired to think about it. Needless to say, this sort of precludes
working on the Spirit and Soul exercises.

I probably should've asked this earlier, but I guess I'm stubborn...
so... what can I do? Ideas?

- Basim

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