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Re: Anger

Message 00699 of 3835

Dear Luca,

>> I guess I'm rambling, but I'm just wondering: what can you do? What
can I do? This is interfering with me like nothing else has; I have
visions in my head of giving these people what they deserve (in my lower
mind, at least, which includes beating the crap out of them) and I have
problems cooling down; I've resorted to working until I'm too tired to
think about it. Needless to say, this sort of precludes working on the
Spirit and Soul exercises. <<

To change them, there's nothing you can do -- but to change yourself, or
at least the debilitating effects of your reaction, there's lots of
things you can do. Number one, is to let their stupidity go. In other
words don't take it personally. Allow it to just be *their* stupidity.
When they inflict it upon you, stand up for yourself but still, let it
go. Don't hold onto it. It's certainly nothing worth holding onto!
Focus yourself upon *your own* self and upon being the best person *you*
can be, and simply allow others to be what they are.

And, of course, continue meditating upon this problem. I also suggest
that when this anger arises, that you pause and examine it very, very
closely. Explore every nuance of it. How does it make you feel
mentally, astrally and physically? What associated memories and
thoughts come to the front of your mind? What's lurking behind the
scenes in your mind? Etc.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
22 Apr 2003


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