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Re: (unknown)

Message 00697 of 3835

Dear Amater_8,

>> This might be just small delirious hallucination but I feel it should
be reported in case someone knows the answer that will end my doubt.
After practicing VOM for a bit longer period of time, when my body is
totally relaxed, I have a habbit of slowly opening my eyes and then I
usually see small clouds of illuminating smoke flowing across the room,
moving very much like cigarette smoke. I wouldn't give this much
thought, <<

Uhhh . . . if you're practicing VOM, then you shouldn't be giving it
*any* thought! ;-)

>> if it wasn't for the fact that smoke was also emanating directly
*from* my hands (actually thats how I started to notice it first, by
observing my hand). First I thought it might be some sort of energy, but
since smoke is not what I expected energy will look
like I started to think it has something to do with aura. But then again
it might be just a bit of harmless hallucination. Anyone had similar
experience? <<

I suggest that the next time this occurs and distracts you from your
VOM, that you play with the smoke-energy. See if you can manipulate,
etc. Ask *it* what it is and see what kind of, if any, answer you

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
22 Apr 2003


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