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Re: To anyone who can astral travel - a strange theory

Message 00742 of 3835

Dear M,

>> I have recently been reading accounts of peoples visits inside the
earth (supposedly it is hollow). There are also people who channel the
beings that live there. What I am wondering is if anyone thinks this
has any truth to it? Has Rawn or any other astral travellers visited
there in the astral? <<

While the core itself is solid molten mineral matter and therefore not
hollow in any regard (i.e., not physically, astrally nor mentally),
there are hollow spaces within the physical mantle itself. But there
are no *physical* creatures living within the deep hollows.

There are, of course, countless astral inhabitants within the astral
body of our planet and perhaps it is such creatures that these folks are
"channeling" (that is assuming they are in contact with anything other
than their own psyches).

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
05 May 2003


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