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Re: Vacancy of Mind

Message 00785 of 3835

This is interesting. I've had this sensation - or something similar - ever 
since I was really, really young - preschool-ish. It would always come just as 
I was falling asleep, and I remember bouncing and spinning over my body, 
thinking "This is great! My parents can put me to bed, but they can't make me 
stay in it!" Anyway, I'd bounce until I'd get bored, and then either fall 
asleep or just quit. As I got older, the bouncing didn't happen so 
spontaneously, but if I concentrated on it the right way, I could make it 
happen again.

These days, when I tuck my littlest kids in for naps in the afternoon, I barely 
finish reading them stories, and I can feel - for lack of a better term - a 
light astral tug. As I put down the book and snuggle b/w my twins (3 yrs), even 
while I'm moving, I feel a bounce, and when I lie still, I definitely am moving 
up and down a few feet over my body. I wonder if my kids can feel it, or if 
they're actually doing it too. (They're not very good talkers; it's not easy to 
ask them).

As far as thinking leading to its cessation, I know what you mean. It seems 
that if I concentrate on that other body (astral?), I can keep it going for 
awhile. But as soon as I think of a mundane thing (changing my car's oil, or 
balancing my checkbook) it stops. If I let the mundane thought go quickly, I'll 
return to bouncing. But if my mind is overactive, then - forget it. BTW, I 
always lose complete sensation of physical hands - but I seem to grow invisible 
ones. Once, I actually felt "invisible sand" and another squishy substance with 
my feet while bouncing.

When I do my VOM, however, I've never felt this bouncing sensation. I think I 
may have somehow trained myself to do this only when I'm lying down. When I do 
the Bardon exercises or meditate, I usually sit up and spend most of my time 
trying to concentrate on whatever I've picked to be my focus - hoping that that 
will lead me to a VOM experience. I can get the door open - but it's so damn 
hard to keep it that way.

I've wondered if I've had some kind of earth or fire imbalance - and so I'm 
going to steal Rawn's suggestions to look at the mirrors, especially earth 
(hope you don't mind). All the Bardon work has been helpful for me, but it's 
the mirror work that's really allowed me to make meaningful changes. It seems 
that even when my successes are few and frustrating in the mental category, I 
can always find the power in myself to concentrate on transforming even a small 
item in my mirror. I try to pair the "soul mirror exercise of the day" with 
whatever trouble I'm having in another area. Maybe I've been working on the 
wrong elements or faults.

I don't know if I've just rambled or if I've muddied the waters even more - but 
ironically, my twins just woke up and it's time to go play ;-)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rawn Clark 
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [BardonPraxis] Vacancy of Mind

Dear Martin,

Welcome to BardonPraxis! Now we have two Martins (that I know of, at
any rate). :)

>> After having relaxed my body I have been experiencing the following
in some of my meditations, I feel that "I" start spinning at very high
speed and in all directions. The sensation is wonderful, but I can't
figure out what is really is happening. I could not resist
the sensation of euphoria and when I think in something the "effect"
disappears. If someone has experience something like that or have an
explanation I would be delighted to hear about it. <<

Your description sounds like the sensation one experiences when the
astra-mental body begins to separate from the physical body. This is
often experienced as a sensation of spinning or toppling, falling, etc.
Sometimes even nausea and profuse sweating can ensue.

The main thing is to not fight it, as resisting the spin will only
increase any discomfort and feelings of disorientation.

The fact that when you introduce thinking about something, the spinning
ceases, says to me that there is a slight deficiency in the Earth
Element. The Earth Element is what binds the whole consciousness (i.e.,
the three bodies) together. When you meditate, you relax and generally
shift focus away from being in your physical body and this action
pertains to the Air Element (the opposite of the Earth Element).
Focusing your thoughts within the meditative state however, pertains to
the Earth Element and therefore, it will halt the *uncontrolled*
detachment of the astra-mental body from the physical shell.

The spinning sensation, while enjoyable (euphoric, as you described),
can present a major distraction to your otherwise meditative state. For
example, if you're doing the one-pointedness, it draws you away from
your intended point of focus, and when you're practicing an emptiness of
mind, your mind becomes instead filled by the sensation. So it is
something you will need to overcome or at the very least, something you
will need to learn how to ignore so that its occurrence doesn't distract

In terms of overcoming it, I suggest that you look to your Soul Mirror
for any major Air and/or Earth issues and seek balance there.
Especially, a strengthening of the Earth Element would help to better
hold your consciousness together during your quiet meditations.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
16 May 2003

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