Dear Rawn, >>>I'm not suggesting a dualism between body and Mind. However, there is a hierarchy of causality. In other words, physicality is a natural consequence of a mental causality but that mental causality is not a consequence of physicality. This hierarchy of causality is important to the practicalities of Hermetic magic since the magician works with the higher causalities in order to affect the lower consequences. For example, when one wishes to directly perceive essential meaning, one doesn't consciously activate the right hemisphere of the brain; instead, one willfully adjusts one's mental state.<<< I would definetly beg to differ and say that the threads of causality do run both ways. This is primarily through my experience within Taiji Quan and Qigong. In particular when looking at how posture effects emotion, and hence mentation. When one stands upright, raises one's arms over their head and flexes their will most definetly find it rather hard to say, "I'm depressed." In contrast, if one slouches forward, puts ones head between their legs, they will find it rather hard to yell out, "I'm happy!" Physiologically speaking, this is just an application of proper posture. When one sits or stands upright, with the spine errect, none of the nerves throughout the spinal cord are not pinched and neural activity can travel up and down the spine freely. When one slouches and the spine is otherwise not errect, then the spinal nerves are crimped and neural activity can not move as freely, henceforth effecting one's state of mind. Love and Live well, Peter Reist