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Re: 2 questions

Message 00914 of 3835

Dear Draco,

>> Hello i have a quick question or two. I am currently on step one, and
i am on the mental training of holding a single thought without going to
another. Now I only have 3 interuptions during the 10 min. period. These
intereuptions are not me leaving thought A to go to thought B but
thought B kind of "shares" the space with thought A but not equally so i
get :Ab.
Is this ok?? i am shooting for total absolute single pointed thought
without any "side/co-insiding" thoughts. The way it sounds to me as long
as thought A is not forgotten or lost to the exclusion of thought B its
ok. <<

As long as thought 'b' doesn't diminish the power of your focus upon
thought 'A', then you've got it right. In other words, so long as the
thoughts 'b' aren't distractions.

>> Also on soul mirror work he(Bardon) puts Lust in the good category,
now maybe its just me but lust sounds "bad" i can see lust for life as
good. What kind of lust is he talking about? <<

I believe that William is correct. 'Lust" here does not carry the
sexual implications that we use the word to indicate these days.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
11 Jun 2003


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