Hello William! I opened the "big universe" annd "little universe" during my mis-spent years as a seeker of the Kong Jing, i would be happy to speak to you thru email about it since it does not relate directly to Bardon. However Bardon and Chi Kung match up in some areas for the well being of the student : Holding an asana for exteded periods ( Bardon speaks of them possibly giving the studet occult powers which i am sure Kong Jing was one) Pore breathing is another exellent practice. As is the use of the elements. Were chi kung goes wrong is that it only gives you these things, nothing more leaving the student i possible peril and in the end searching for why you cant progress further. Bardon gives you a comprehensive program that in the end will lead you down paths Chi kung cannt even begin to dream of, i would recomed sticking with Bardon. But that is my opinion, any questions on this can be emailed directly. LVX Frater Draco "I shall not fear. Fear is the mind killer.I shall face my fear and let it pass through me!" -Frank Hebert --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]