Dear Draco, >> What im asking is during the past two days i have been mulling over this point, if the vision exercise was not to be seen physically since it is a mental exercise, as well as the hearing just being the mental sound and not true Hi-fi sound, what am i suppose to experience when i do these sensations? Should i shake and have my teeth chatter as i feel the way cold seeps in to my bones; like ice water in a sponge? Or am i wrong here and it should be something else?? Thanks once again for your collective time. << Part of what you describe is the emotional impact of your memories. Since the exercise proper is *just* the sensation without the attached emotions, etc., it's possible that you won't experience these physical effects. In any event, it's not a *requirement* (in so far as Step Two is concerned) that your teeth chatter and you shiver with the cold or that you begin to sweat with the heat. But on the other hand, these are not bad things so long as they're not forced and are not based upon the inclusion of emotions, visualizations, etc. My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 14 Jul 2003 rawnclark@... rawn@...