Dear Rawn, >>>Yes, that can be un-nerving and at the same time, very liberating. :) I trust in your ability to integrate these two perspectives. After all, science and mysticism attempt to describe the same essential universe, just with different languages and different mind-sets. Integrating the two is really not much different than speaking two languages.<<< Un-nerving, unsettling, frightening, liberating, confusing and ecstatic all at the same time would be a better way of putting it. :) As for integrating these two perspectives: at this point in time I'm not quite sure whether that is actually possible or not. However, it's not like the two perspectives are totally mutually exclusive of one another. It is just that the Hermetic and Kabbalahistic perspective can explain the scientific viewpoint but not vis a vis. Now, questions! In several places within his books Bardon speaks about something called 'mummial magic', yet never quite expands upon what he means by that. I get the feeling that he is refering to something along the line of good old fashioned sympathetic and contagious magic as posited by James Frazer within _The Golden Bough_ which relates heavily to some old shamanistic practices. I'm wondering if you could expand upon this as an internet search really didn't yeild too much in the way of results. Love and Live well, Peter Reist