Hello! I've read the kybalion and have some questions about the chapter on Rhythm. What does it mean by "raising of the Ego above the vibrations of the Unconscious Plane of mental activity, so that the negative swing of the pendulum is not manifested in consciousness?" Is it accomplished by having a one-pointed awareness of your physical senses, emotions and thoughts every second, every moment so that you remain detached from your personality whilst performing your daily tasks? For the past few days i've been practicing this constant-awareness of my personality self, which is alike to the step 1 thought-observation exercise, except that you extend this awareness of your thoughts to your emotions and physical actions. It sure gives me greater emotional stability, and a "nothing really matters that much" kind of attitude, but i find it hard to perform the one-pointedness meditation whilst remaining detached from my train of thought...or is it simply that one cannot remain detached and contemplating upon a thought at the same time? It is like watching a stranger performing the one-pointedness exercise, and me observing his thoughts going on in his mind, but its not easy. Well, if detachment from your daily tasks comes only after your mind is silent, and without any mental chatter at all, does it means that no matter what i do everyday ( playing basketball...talking to friends..) i should aim to have absoultely no mental chatter at all ( except during one-pointedness exercises)...with only a silent mind to carry through all my daily tasks?