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Re: single-pointed awareness

Message 01195 of 3835

Dear Chenxsi,

>> I've read the kybalion and have some questions about the chapter on
Rhythm. What does it mean by "raising of the Ego above the vibrations
of the Unconscious Plane of mental activity, so that the negative swing
of the pendulum is not manifested in consciousness?" <<

A very good and simple example of this is the very first mental exercise
of Step One. Therein, the initiate takes on the perspective of passive
observer and detaches their will from the mind's chatter, in effect,
"raising the Ego above the vibrations of the Unconscious Plane of mental

The "Unconscious Plane of mental activity" manifests as the mind's
chatter and as the un-regenerated personality. So another aspect of
"raising the Ego" is the work of character transformation and achieving
the astral Equilibrium of the Elements. This process raises the
personality structure from the realm of the unconsciously formed to that
of conscious intention.

>> Is it accomplished by having a one-pointed awareness of your physical
senses, emotions and thoughts every second, every moment so that you
remain detached from your personality whilst performing your daily
tasks? <<

No. This means transforming your personality into a positive and
consciously intended structure. One *uses* this positivized personality
which exists beyond the pendulum's rhythmic swing to and fro; one does
not detach from it. This does involve a great and continuous degree of
attention to self, or self-focus. One must always be aware of oneself.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
29 Jul 2003


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