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Re: First Post

Message 01265 of 3835

Dear 'ihya1347',

>> iv worked my way through the 3rd installment of TMO, and while I feel
as if I have the prononciation and the astral/mental speech bit down, I
have trouble fealing the energy. Not sure if its because a) im just not
creating alot or b) i cant sense all of it. Im new to franz bardons
hermetics, but i have had experience in other systems. How vital is the
visualization component? 'cause Iv recently started the visualization
work in step 2, and its still a bit shaky ( read alot shaky ), which
could be the cause. <<

The visualization or creative imagination of the energy dynamics of the
canticle are important since this is what *will* connect you with the
objective energy itself. This relates to a subject I've written about
in several places; namely, the mental plane law of 'like attracts like'
and its connection to the creative imagination.

Another factor that's very important to sensing the energy dynamic is
the emotional passion you bring to the astral component of the
three-part magical speech. As I say in the Lessons, you must commit
your *whole* self to speaking the canticle. Shyness and the withholding
of one's passion will disconnect the practitioner from the essential

So, my advice is to 1) keep practicing; 2) keep working at improving
your visualizations of the energy flow, etc.; and, 3) deepen your
passion and let it rip! ;-)

Chuck's suggestion is also an excellent one!

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
10 Aug 2003


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