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Re: First Post

Message 01262 of 3835


Rambli? Grins. Nonsense. Your style has the characteristics of just
meeting you in a coffee house and you discussing frankly, and your
writing style expresses that wonderfully. It's a great vehicle for
your frank character which is refreshing. 

As to the visualization. I would suggest that it is important to
"feel" at least some sort of direction and return element of your
projected item of meditation within the TMO. It gives you a sense of
completeness when you "feel" your projected focus go and be charged
and return charged and affect its purpose. 

To this end you might construct a very basic exercise for yourself
which has the ability to not miss the mark and gives you the feeling
of accomplishment. Consider something very simple. How about that you
are thirsty. You want a glass of water. Close your eyes and order a
glass of water with your will. Now open your eyes and go to the
kitchen and pour yourself a glass of water. Now return and take a
drink from the cup. Thank the universe for meeting your need. Now
close your eyes and order the glass of water again. 

Try to contact "something" within yourself during this ordering phase.
Expressing your honest desire and will. Do it a few times and contact
something that in you expresses your will. 

Now take that "feeling" of expression and project it outwards from
yourself. Feel it projecting outwards. 

Apply this feeling to the "Ribono Shel Alom" portion of your
meditation/will expression and see if that makes any difference. 

Just my two cents, I sincerely wish you well in your honest endeavors.



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