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Re: Formal Evocation .. and my humbleness

Message 01303 of 3835

> > Dear friends,
> I just wanted to say on this subject, that I find this group VERY 
> inspirational for my walking on the path of life filled with wonder, 
> awe and magic. I want to thank you all, for your wonderfull posts.
> When I found this group it was like finding an oasis after a 3 days
> in the desert. I am looking forward for many, many, many years of
> friendship and mutual support and learning with all of you :)
> Regards,
> Nenad

Thanks Nenad, for saying this. My sentiments exactly. It IS like an
oasis in the middle of a dry dry desert, isn't it? :)

And I am grateful for everyone who posts here also. So much so, as I
learn from others' mistakes... and that is a very very valuable
lesson, ... that I have the honor of admitting with pure humbleness a
recent mistake of mine. 

In the hopes that for those beginning, a step below where I am (though
that is difficult to imagine, grins) I will state it.

Because I had meditated and visualized with certain Do-In mental
exercises, experienced a taste of samahdi, opened my chackras and
actually benefitted many friends and strangers with white light and
energy healing with massage, just with 3 years of intense study 20
years ago... I felt that I could easily accomplish the IIH excercises,
Lesson 1, 2, 3, no problem, TMO IHVH-ADNI up through lesson 7, no
problem, The Self Healing Archaeous up through lesson whatever (5?),
not a problem, and I walked through 7 steps of The 8Temples exercises,
but then I "dabbled" with lesson/letter one of the KTQ. 

Yeah, it benefited me with eye candy. I awoke the next morning to a
structured mind and I was thrilled beyond belief about that. 

But, over the past 4 days I have had that "feeling" you have just
before you get a massive headache, you know the kind. But never
materialized into the headache. Also the loss of equilibrium in your
pineal gland, you know like you're about to be dizzy and regurgitate.
(I had this feeling perpetually while on a Marine Corps./Navy
helicopter cruiser for 3 months twice while in the service, so I know
the feeling well, never any balance in the pineal gland). 

I did everything I could think of from the practices I had done to
exit the excess of fire in my head. I was maimed because I found out,
one lesson/point by one that I indeed, did not "really" own the
qualified use of that lessons' points/abilities, or else they would
have been working. Yes, I sprung philosophical roots into the ground
and assumed letting it take all excess fire from any of my three
bodies. The problem next was that I could not venture into the three
bodies to scan and check out which of the three bodies contained the
excess which was causing me this inbalance. As soon as I went to the
fire element area in the physical, or astral, or mental body as I had
been comfortable with previously with feeling and sensing, I now only
contacted the headache worsening. A total shutout of my scanning
abilities to this over exerted area. My body was telling me seriously
to slow down, let it heal.

Finally today I found that it was in the astral body. Only by
meditating with the IHVH-ADNI thought impregnation of the excess in
fire leaving. And that's how I found it was in the astral fire region

So, simply meditating the light blue color, the letter A
thought/mental, felt/astral, spoken/physical, in all three bodies and
breathing in this light blue color's feelings into my three bodies
only accomplished a serious short circuiting of my body and blowing a
minor fuse. 

Now I found out plenty in this. I had not really accomplished step 1,
IIH because I had forgotten in rereading the air breathing into my
body of vital positive impregnated energy. I had somehow skipped over
this part. I had jumped right into breathing in the elements into my
body and into specific areas of my body. 

In case this helps anyone else out there. Beware.

The good thing, of course, is that "some" of bravery to forge ahead
and jump into things unknown is a vital spirit of exploration needed
for this self work in the workshop. No fear. And also it is good to
experiment. But the bad thing is that those road sign warnings that
Franz Bardon and Rawn Clark put into the practices? ... :) They're
REAL!!! So, my humbleness spoken and heart felt. I rejoin the group
where I am at.

The lesson is, that even though I may have the ability already to do
"one" aspect well of a further lesson, it is wholy unbeneficial, and
in fact detrimental in the negative to the point of damaging the
workshop where further study is going to occur, to jump ahead and skim. 

Thanks, all.
I Wish You Well


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