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Re: Formal Evocation vs. Mental Wandering

Message 01316 of 3835

Dear NKKA,

Quite honestly, I am a rather big skeptic myself for the vast 
majority of things. Thus being part of the reason why I naturally 
question virtually everything that is put before me. While I'm not 
saying that this is the best view to take with regards to one's 
progression along the path of Hermetics, it is a rather viable one 
due to the fact that the methodology that Bardon puts forth gives you 
the tools necessary to prove to yourself that what Bardon is talking 
about is true. This, of course, does require a lot of hard work and 
dedication to persevere through all of these exercises.

My first real teacher of the esoteric sciences once told me, "You're 
not training so that you can create elementals, or call spirits to 
your service. Your training so that you shall be able to deal with 
any circumstance that life throws at your, and live that life to it's 
fullest." Which is exactly what Bardon's system of Hermetics is all 

Love and Live well,
Peter Reist


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