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Re: Question: Interruptions: long (sorry)

Message 01584 of 3835

Dear Pixi,

If you feel that your mental state is 'scattered', then the Step I
exercises are the best indeed. Apart from the results of the mental
exercises in Step I you are also doing some fundamental character
development and realising some base qualities (health, tranqulity, etc)
in the physical aspect (breathing, eathing, water magic) toward health,
tranqulity, etc. Then Step I has the tools you need.

These exercises can be done anywhere. Is there a park, sea-side cliff
or somewhere else you can practice the mental training? Even if you
make use of idle travelling time to compile the soul mirror lists? The
physical exercises can be carried out quite discreetly, even the eating

Where there is a will, there is a way. ;-)


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