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Re: Does Water give form to Fire ? - complement to my question

Message 01609 of 3835

Dear NB,

>> Taking this literally, meaning that the creation
deriving from the Electric force takes actual shape through the 
influence of the magnetic Fluid, is it possible to infer that Water 
gives form to Fire ? 

a) Superficially this looked obvious to me given the attributes of 
the respective Elements. But suddenly I was not sure this was "licit".

b) Since *Water* somewhat looks like an instantiation of the 
*Magnetic* Fluid or its concrete manifestation (sorry - I don't find 
the words), and the equivalent for Fire, the deduction seems logical 
from that angle also At the same time, since they are not at the same
level, and given the explicit additional attributes of Water and
Fire, I was not sure this was authorized. <<

Although this will not answer your question, it's some advice. At 
some point, you have to let go and jump in. In other words, the only 
way to truly understand something is to experience it. Theoretical 
knowledge can only give you so much understanding, if really any at 
all. So in order to truly understand the elements, you really have 
to experience them. The way that the elements interact cannot really 
be expressed in words, I suppose that is why it is attributed to the 
occult, if you could understand it simply conceptually, then it would 
be widely accepted. But it cannot.

>> What is correct ? Or am I "pedaling besides the bicycle" :-) ? Or 
should I wait till level 8 :-( ? <<

Fortunately, you do not need to wait till Step 8. You being to 
directly work with the elements in Step 3, which helps to understand 
them better, and at completion of Step 6, you will have mastered the 
elements, so before then (hopefully) you should have a full 
understanding of the elements and their interaction.

Like I said, not a real answer, but something to think about. I 
would answer your question, but I myself have not mastered them so I 
cannot in good conscience try to ;)

All Will Go Well,


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