John W., >>>My view is that the Qabalah, by which I presume you mean the Sefer Yetzirah or Book of Formation, with its Tree of Life or Etz Chaim, is astrological, NOT magical, in nature. <<< Quite the contary. While I will not dispute the fact that the Sepher Yetzirah does have heavy astrological influences within it, it is ultimatly magical text. This is especially true given the fact that is upon the Sepher Yetzirah did Bardon form of basis for his system of initiation into hermetics, as well as his practice of Kabbalahistic utterence. In fact, I would have to say understanding of the Sepher Yetzirah is a rather good idea for anyone attempting the work of the Key to the True Quaballah. As for the astrological influences, I defer to the wisdom of Bardon: namely that the stars compel, that is all. Love and Live well, Peter Reist