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Re: Hermetic View of Eyesight Loss

Message 01815 of 3835

Dear Dan,

>> Is there any Hermetic explanation as to why astigmatism and other
forms of eyesight loss occur? I ask because I have been recently reading
much about W.H. Bates, who said that by relaxing the eyes completely,
normal vision can be restored over time His techniques seem very similar
to Bardon's in that he instructs his patients to use concentration and
imagination to improve their eyesight, while eschewing paraphernalia.
I'm curious to hear what you and other members of the group think... <<

>From the Hermetic standpoint, it is karmic, i.e., a matter of cause and
effect. In the case of congenital blindness, the cause would be from a
past lifetime, as might other forms of blindness, crossed eyes, color
blindness, etc. But as Bates clearly proved, many abnormalities in the
shape of the eyeball are effects that have a present moment cause --
stress within the muscles that control and support the eye itself. This
can be caused by improper use of the eyes or also by an emotional
blockage having to do with how one feels about what one perceives/sees.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
21 Nov 2003


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