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sensory concentration exercises - exclusions of images

Message 01816 of 3835

I have a question related to step 2's "feeling concentration" 
exercise, particularly as far as the exclusion of other senses is 
I understand that when feeling cold, for example, I have to reject 
images of fridges, snow storm, ice etc., and only keep an 
independant sensation of cold. This is ok.

My question is : other images, not related to cold, may appear. 
Sometimes abstract pictures come to the mind and go away, without 
any relationship nor interference with my feeling of cold. Is this 
something to consider as a failure, or is it unrelated ?

If this is a failure, I'd like to know how to prevent images to 
appear! I read the correspondance on "More on Step 2 sensory 
concentration exercises", and I understand the concept of 
concentrating on the essential meaning of cold, e.g., but this 
solves the question of the "related images" only (like the roses in 
the case of smell), but not the flashes and the ebb and flow of 
random abstract images.

...Or is it a sort of 3D exercise of one pointedness ?

Many thanks.


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