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Re: Step 2 - "feeling concentration"

Message 01848 of 3835

Dear Cold NB,

>> a) I start with holding something cold in my hands, or I go outside.
b) I determine the kinesthetic components of what I'm feeling
c) I connect to their essential meaning, and then get rid of the
components themselves.
d) then I actually *run my meditation on the essential meaning of
cold* afterwards.
Is this correct ?
Is this the same as *feeling the cold*, as Bardon
prescribes ? 'cause he said "here is the object is to call into
being the *feeling* of coldness ...etc." ? I understand using
essential meaning makes sense because the exercise addresses the
mental level and not the sensations of the astral body, but I'm not
entirely sure :-) <<

The sensations of cold arise from your cognition or perception of the
essential meaning of coldness. By focusing upon the essential meaning
instead of the *memory of the sensation*, you will arrive at a greater
isolation of just the sensation without the emotions, images and
thoughts that are naturally involved with a memory.

However, it may be easier to begin your session by invoking the memory
of being cold and then isolating just its essential meaning.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
24 Nov 2003


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