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Re: Defining Hermeticism

Message 01889 of 3835

Hi Eric:
Thanks for your quote from Ouspensky. I have also read In Search of the 
Miraculous by Ouspensky. He has stated that negative emotions rule the world. 
But they also rule individual lives. Jung referred to the "collective 
unconscious" Maybe this is what the Apostle Paul was referring to when he spoke 
of secret faults. The more one practices self-awareness and that stateof 
consciousness which has been called mindfulness, the more they detach from the 
level of collective unconscious, which I believe Ouspensky called automatism 
and they slowly become a part of the circle of conscious humanity.
As we endeavor to put into practice Hermetic principles we are drawn into that 
state of being, which if there is any answer to the world problems, this would 
certainly contribute to the answer.
We know that the emotions are quicker than the intellect. The beast rises up 
out of the sea of emotions very quickly, before one can realize he has achoice 
in the matter, and one reacts to a particular circumstance out of habit. As 
Rawn wrote, it is a life-long process. To Know Thy Self, one's defects and 
weaknesses. would be the main ingredient
to the path of fulfillment. I think denial and justification comes into play 
here, which prevents the clearing process and the more conscious one becomes, 
the clearer they are. But this only occurs through conscious effort.I don't 
believe it happens by just going to church on Sunday.
I believe that Ouspensky wrote that the first steps to controling negative 
emotions is to just observe them, without doing anything about them. Then as 
one advances in this they can begin to analyze them as to the causal factors 
associated with a particular emotion.
Thanks for your comments.

Eric Meridiano <ericmeridiano@...> wrote:

>> And what about one's secret faults, those one is unaware of? There
are times I find myself justifying being bored and I really have to work
at not expressing this negative emotion. However, I am sure there are
things deep within that need to be worked on. Does one become conscious
of those by mastering the ones that he is aware of? <<

It's a combination of transforming the faults you are aware of and being
always mindful of yourself. You must continue introspection as a
life-long habit.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
01 Dec 2003

May i add a little text i copied for a friend asking about Gurdjieff teaching 
on negative emotion, that could be relevant?

Here it is, quotations from "the fourth way" by Oupensky. (mostly 
questions-answers on the system, good book!)

Chap. 14 on negative emotions:

"you said there was many ways of destroying negative emotions, what are they?

_ 1st, you must Know them, you must know in yourself the most important 
negative emotion, you must begin with that.

(...) but, 1st ant last, when you find negative emotions in yourself, you must 
understand that the causes are in you and not in other people, they 
areinternal, not external.

-how can I struggle with n.e.?

_1stof all, mind must become free from justification of it. Mind must be 
separate, must not identifiy. We have a certain control of mind, to a 
certainextent we can command here. If you decide not to justify a certain 
negative emotion, it is already the beginning of the struggle. (you must not 
find reasons for n.e., the cause is in you ...)

N.E. must be divided in 3 categories.

1st,more usuly, happens evreryday emotions. You must observe them and have a 
certain control over their expressions (...) then comes the question how to 
deal with the emotions themselves.. You must start dealing with them by trying 
not to identify as often and as much as you can, for they are alwys connected 
with identification, and if you conquer identification, they disapear.

2nd, do not happens everyday, they are more difficult more complex e. depending 
on some mental process, such as suspicion, hurt feeling(...). You can deal with 
them by creating a rigth mental attitude, by thinking (when you are quiet), 
find the rigth point of viewand make it permanent. If you createrigth thinking, 
it will take all power from these n.e.

3rd category, more intense, much more difficult and rare. Againt them you can 
do nothing. The 2 methods (creating rigth attitude and struggle with 
identification does not help).

When this emotions come, you can do only one thing, you must try to remember 
yourself (with the help of the emotion)

If you remember yourself, they may diminish and diseapear after some time, but 
for this you must be prepared."


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