Dear Mark ~ I think I see here an example of the fallacious thinking "It is nothing but...". Only created things follow absolute laws, and guess what: Creation is from a finite perspective impossible! Why? Just go "back" and try to find the Ultimate Creator. Ultimately, you cannot, because that would imply something which itself must have been created. So basically reality cannot really exist from any "sane" perspective. The problem is what Rawn calls "sequential awareness"; the idea of dimensional extension being a cause rather than the effect of creation. The sequential mind simply cannot grasp the Real of Reality, but must abstract it into finite concepts. It is easy to throw around words like "eternity" and "infinity", but it is literally impossible to grasp onto what these words mean. If you tried finding the source of creation as I adviced, and came to that "Whoaw" were a glimpse of this absurdity was realized, you will know what I mean. It is like a big "DON'T GO THERE" and a reminder of how little mankind really knows. The point is that there is absolutely NOTHING logical about reality whatsoever, because logically it simply can not exist. The confines, therefore, are all in your sequential mind. Good things, too, because absolute chaos could be just around the corner; poetically it _is_ just around the corner you fortunately seldom/never reach. A paradox: You can know the essential meaning of a tree in an instant, but spend eternity studying it and never find it. The "tree" is arbitrary. There will always be another box within the box newly opened. Well met Vovin > Hi All, > > I've been meditating on something heavily recently and have come up against somethgin of a stumbling block. Part of ascendence is the recognition that (particularly in relation to the Qaballah) that the universe is infinitely complex and the Briatic contains this infinte amount of possibilities. > > My stumbling point is, that everything is still subject to absolue laws and some relate to what is *feasible*. Given these laws are absolute and fixed and within the physical world, there is a tangible (if almost infinitely massive) amount of space in which things attached to said universal laws can happen. Regardless of how phenomenally massive the amount of possibilities is, does this not also equate to ultimately there being a tangible integer less than infinity of all the possibilities that can genuinely happen given there is a fixed set of these laws, if not in the astral and mental realms; certainly within the physical world. If this is the case, then at some point there must be an equivalent state within the other realms as they are all necessarily connected up to the one. > > This would, to my mind, be equal to the confines of *possibility* that define an entire "universe". Does this also mean that the modifications to the relevant universal laws in each complete universe determines the absolute size of the overall possibilities that I am talking about. Hope that makes sense ;-) > > Any thoughts would be appreciated. > > Mark