Dear all, a last thing. Working about essential meaning I would like to make sure of one or two things. Please correct me. Perception is "direct", on the present moment, there is no thought to translate it, it is just living or being the idea. It is what transpire behind what appears. Mind chatter is not connected with essential meaning but only it's translation ,thought, memory and emotionnal response to it. The only difference with emptiness of mind (as I know it)is the "presence" of that particular idea. Is it what has been called "prototype" "archetype" of an idea? What is the nature of essential meaning, is it "living"? is it in time? And a little story to share. I realised a few months ago, that, as a musician, i used to call Music, theessential meaning of it. I foolishly argued that, if "meaning" was not present this was no longer Music but a mere organised noises. This of course, on one hand is probably the result of the understanding of essential meaning of music on the part ofthe performer, the ability to convey it in a composition from the composer, and even more importantly the ability to open up to it as a listener. And, for years, i focused so much on the tools to express that meaning (technique, harmonie, rhythm) that i "forgot" how to listen to music! ( not quite pleasant nor funny! ) and what to express. Thanks to Bardon, and the exellent material given by Mr Rawn Clark (with reverance) I am able now to reorient listening to Music, (i start to imagine the possibillity of opening up to essential meaning and hear Music evrywhere, even if it just by little touches yet). The exercices on step 2 looks as the perfect training to be able to expressit. Thanks for your time. Eric. --------------------------------- Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en français ! Testez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]