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Re: Swirly stuff and ether

Message 02122 of 3835

> I recently found out that the kind of specky opaque shiny energy 
> field / particles everywhere are the "ether"; I had assumed 
> previously that this stuff was the Akasa. This seems to be the 
> can anyone verify this.
> Being able to see this is a permanent satte, it does not interfere 
> with physical sight but is nonetheless present at all times. Is 

Good afternoon, Mark;

I will just add a couple of personal comments. About 22 years ago, 
when I was 27 years old I performed an exercise of drawing an 
imaginary Caballa on top of my head, and I energized/activated it by 
focusing through intense meditation an energy going from each 
sephirot through the path and to the next sephirot, from Kether to 
Malkuth. The immediate result of this was twofold; 1) I had the 
etheric layer visually available to my physical eye sight, and 2) I 
have high ringing sounds in each ear, one side is normal to flat, and 
the other side is normal to sharp in notes. 

The etheric fabric that I saw is sort of like a window screen, made 
up of a criss-cross pattern, though the mesh/screen matrix is much 
finer in size, the criss-cross sections themselves, though it 
encompases my entire field of vision. I see molecules swiming, and 
some lighting up/sparking. 

At that time, back then, I had just engulfed myself into three years 
of intense pranayama breathing exercies in yoga, and was studying 
intensely Buddhism and Chackras initiation, as well as the I-Ching 
(for an attunement to seasonal changes of life cycles), and topped by 
a continual "intellectual only" daily review of the Caballa and the 
Sephir Yetzirah. After the caballa experience I suddenly stopped all 
internal spiritual exercises (plus becomming a christian then).

In July of this year after having read a lot of the online Bardon 
content available I began the IIH, internally, in the inner workshop. 
What I have found is that the visual experience has been enhanced and 
it has been toned down. What I mean by that is that the constant 
viewing or observing of the etheric layer in front of my eyes has 
subsided. I am constantly aware of my equilibrium and "any" sort of 
inbalance internally, negative or positive and I strive to "balance" 
it, (you will see that this becomes just a natural reaction within 
yourself). The enhancement to the visual phenomena is that I can 
see "through" my eyelids at night in the dark and see my hand quite 
well, and it's movements in front of my face. Also I am experiencing 
the difference between mental and astral body visioning. I think that 
the akasha/akasa is could be visualized as two discs in front of your 
face. One disc is at your nose, the lower disc, and the higher disk 
is at your eyebrows. So one disc below and above your eyes/vision. 
And each disk contains a moving river. Any thought or emoted energy 
from any of your senses or spirit or soul causes an impression to be 
made in the liquid of akasa traveling by you. You see swirls occur in 
the akasa, either in the future or the past. I intuit at this point 
that you can bypass the akasa entirely by focusing between the upper 
and lower moving rivers of akasa and meditating and emoting at that 

Just some thoughts. Perhaps you will experience these transitions 
also. Different folks experience different results. 

>From the 3 years of intense practice of spiritual exercises 20 years 
ago I had gained the abilities; 1) to read peoples thoughts/emotions 
3/10ths of a second before their body expressed anything, 2) the 
ability to feel hot/cold eminating from a person's body which I used 
to great benefit as I massaged people non-professionally and healed 
many of muscular/tendon/fluidic imbalances and pains, 3) I could 
blank myself and read anyone's internal system, it's shape and form 
and energy content in the 6 chackra nexus'. With these abilities I 
was more than happy and busy with the constant giving without 
receiving any payment. Too busy to wonder and worry about the ringing 
in my ears and the constant observing of the etheric swimming matrix 
of molecules and mesh to bother much about it. But since I am now on 
this path and working again in the inner workshop and since you've 
mentioned it, it just brought back to memory these few thoughts.

I wish you well,


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