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RE: Healing and Karma (was Hermetic healing...)

Message 02425 of 3835

I would like to point out my opinion on the matter,
concerning our "interference" with other people's karma.
I have heard time and time again people giving the
convenient excuse that they should do nothing to help
other people because it would interfere with their
karma, and therefore the "helper" would be creating a
karma debt for himself as well as complications for the
person being helped.

Dear Decio:

In the wider context of life as we experience it *any* interaction with another person could have Karmic implications. So should we act with compassion towards another person who is suffering? Of course we should!

Most of us can't know whether we are interfering with Karma or fulfilling it and I personally don't worry about it very much. In the long term I have faith that I will eventually reach a level of understanding through which I can act in harmony with Karma. In the years, centuries or millennia leading up to that point, I recommend compassion towards others. At the very least it will do good things for your Astral body (and in the long run, your physical body too). I think of it as learning to crawl before learning to run.

Sincerely, /RM/

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