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Re: Questions re Sowantha

Message 02442 of 3835

Dear Darryl and Rawn,

Rawn, thank you very much for the insightful answers, as usual, they 
made the answer clear :) Oh, and don't worry about being overflowed 
with questions, we're all going to be very considerate :) :)

Most of the times when I ask a question here on the group, I go 
through the same process - first, a question pops into my mind. I 
try meditating on it, feeling like the answer is right there just 
outside of my reach, and then give up, thinking that it's beyond my 
current level of experience. After reading the answer(s) here on the 
group, everything falls perfectly and clearly into place, and makes 
intuitive sense, and becomes just.. so simple! Bleh, it would be a 
lot easier if that intuitive understanding would have just come when 
I first tried to meditate for it :)

Darryl, thank you for a very interesting post. I'd be very 
interested in reading an excerpt from your work as an e-mail. I'm 
thinking about the implications of recording both a journal of 
practical workings and a text depicting one's inner journey in a 
novella/RPG form, and reading them together (when it's time to look 
back). I believe it can be quite beneficial :)



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