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Sequence of Step One exercises

Message 02542 of 3835

Dear Friends,

I've got a few questions regarding the sequence of the Step one mental
exercises. Tonight I kind of had a glimpse of panic when I realized
that I might have been doing them wrong all along. :)

First, once we master the observation of thoughts (OOT) and move on to
thought control (TT), are we to *replace* OOT with TT? Or are we to
add on the period of time it takes to do both exercises to our
routine? Likewise, once TT is mastered, do we continue it daily along
with the Emptiness of Mind (EOM) exercise? When we reach Step two, do
we continue these exercises as well? 

Also, regarding the impregnating breaths, once our desire is realized,
and we move on to a new one, do we start the exercise over at the 7
breaths and add one breath each day until our new desire is realized?

Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else, I couldn't find it if
it has. I feel as if a new door has opened, after all this time of
probably not really understanding the exercises. 

Thank you for any replies! :) 



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