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Re: Karma Kybalion

Message 02620 of 3835

Dear Dan,

>> How does the Kybalion's axiom "Rhythm may be neutralized by an
application of the Art of Polarization" apply to Karma? If a hermeticist
neutralized the mental effects of Rhythm, would that interfere with his
or her learning a karmic lesson? <<

What the Kybalion's authors refer to here is a byproduct of what Bardon
called the "astral Equilibrium". The technique involves the mental
discipline of emotions in which one steps back from direct involvement
with their emotions. This "polarizes" the individual in the "higher
self", as the Kybalion phrased it, and removes the individual's seat of
conscious awareness from the continuum which exists between the
emotional poles in question. The result is a very stable yet fluid
state of being in which one actually perceives the karmic lessons that
each experience holds with much, much greater clarity and is thus able
to address those lessons more directly and immediately.

If you're not riding the bottom of the pendulum where you'd be swinging
wildly back and forth, but are instead seated at the pivot point of the
pendulum where it is calm, then there is a clarity of awareness which
facilitates the redemption of one's karma. This doesn't negate karma --
it just improves one's ability to confront and resolve karma. :)

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
19 May 2004


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