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Merkabah meditation and Bardon and TMO!

Message 02682 of 3835

Hi everybody!

I d'ont know if you have heard of Drunvalo Melchisedeck who talks
about the sacred gemoetry, flower of life and the merkabah (the
lightbody). In the merkabah méditation he says you activate the
lightbody structure by breathing and accumulating the prana 18th time
along a tube in your back similar to the sushumna with the chakras system.
He explains that the mental body is electric in nature and the astral
body is magnetic. By breathing and condensing prana in the geometry
structure of these bodys which are a pairs of tetrahedrons (like the
6point star but in 3D), and once you've condensed enough energy in
you, you blow it outside and then make the structure rotate, the
mental sould turn tetrahedron counter-clockwise and the astral
tetrahedrons clockwise, you can activate the lightbody (which looks
like an UFO once activated) and travel in every dimensions and planes
in the universe. He says a lot of extra-terrestrials do the same with
their ships that are often lightbodies. 

When i discovered Bardon i was so surprised i found there are some
similarity in the two technics like accumulating and condensing the
vital energy in the body or traveling trough the other realms. And
making theses geometric structure (electric vs magnetic) spining
together in the merkabah meditation looks like when Bardon talks about
making a big electro-magnetic Volt.

Sometimes when i'm doing the TMO it makes me think of this merkabah
technique by the fact that in the two we accumulate energy in the
bodies and then we send the energy out of the body in a explosive way.
And in the triple shield when Rawn Clark talks about spinning the
energy around the bodies it also remind me of the merkabah meditation
in which we move the accumulated energy around the body. the
difference is that in the triple shield the three rotate in clockwise,
howether in the merkabah meditation the energie hold in the mental
body counter-rotate the astral.

But i'm wondering if these technics are totally different because the
TMO refer to the tree of life and in the merkabah meditation no. 

I'd like to have your opinion on all this. I've read here that
sometimes it would be better not to work two different systems at the
same time. But may these two techniques be complementary, i think of
visiting other world and realms? 


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