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Re: Re: Greater Selfs, projection

Message 02750 of 3835

Dear Keith,

>> I do have a question regarding an individual's experience over
multiple lives. Maybe the question is better phrased "Does an individual
"Self" retain its unique set of experiences (i.e. memories and
associated Karma) from one incarnation to the next? <<

Yes, this is the sequential or temporal mental body wherein the
lifetime's memory of time-space experience resides.

>> Or, does every individual after death eventually merge irreversibly
with the Greater in such a way that subsequent projections of the self
into the physical plane carry with it the entire set of experiences of
the Greater. <<

No. When I wrote "merge", I should have qualified and explained it. :)
Let me explain it better in reference to your next question . . .

>> In an earlier thread you stated that the incarnating spirit after
death goes to the astral plane. Their astral body eventually
disintegrates and the mental body eventually merges with the Greater (I
hope I got that right). What do you mean by eventually? How long is
eventually? Does a self have to merge with the Greater prior to
incarnating again? <<

Okay, let's start at The End, as it were. :) Upon physical death, the
focus of the astra-mental awareness is shifted to the astral realm.
Over a span of astral-time, the persona works out all the unresolved
emotional issues left over from the immediately previous incarnation.
This is the dis-integration of the astral body and it takes as long as
it takes, depending upon numerous factors unique to the persona. When
that process is complete, the awareness of the solitary mental body or
Individual Self is shifted to the mental realm. The level or "zone" to
which the Individual Self shifts corresponds to the Individual's level
of spiritual maturity.

It's at this point that the Individual Self becomes consciously aware of
its Greater Self. When I spoke of "merging", it was not an irrevocable
merging; but rather more akin to a conference or face-to-face meeting.
This interaction between Individual Self and its Greater Self occurs
within the mental "zone" where the Individual Self resides, as opposed
to within the eternal realm where the Greater Self resides.

Since this meeting involves the eternal and the temporal aspects of
self, it does not involve any space-time duration. In other words, from
our physical perspective, this meeting takes no time whatsoever -- even
though the experience itself can seem very prolonged or lengthy.

This interaction between Greater and Individual occurs before each
incarnation. It isn't until the Individual Self attains to the level of
Binah/Saturn *while incarnate* that the opportunity to merge irrevocably
with the Greater Self arises. The attainment of Binah *while incarnate*
means that after the astral disintegration, the Individual Self
automatically rises to the Saturn zone. This means that the Individual
Self and its Greater Self have become as one. Only then is an
*irrevocable* merging even possible.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
28 June 2004


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