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Re: Re: small question

Message 03009 of 3835

Dear Louis,

>> I have this strange aversion to meditating on anything because I am
afraid that I will convince myself that something is true through the
faculties of the mind; deluding myself actually. I like the conjecture
because it helps me look at things through different angles. <<

Well, conjecture (i.e., thinking about something from as many angles as
you can) *is* a very valid form of "meditation". :)

At some point however, you will have to confront and make peace with
this fear you that associate with deeper forms of meditation: i.e.,
meditations that involve directly opening yourself to non-rational or
non-intellectual sources of insight. One way to do this is to approach
such insights very critically, question them exhaustively and do not
accept them as *fact* or valid *until* you have verified them. Through
that process you will come to know *experientially* which insights you
*can* trust and this will build your trust in the process itself.

>> I just read the short glib that bardon has in IIH
about Akasha at the begining. Getting away from the
something and nothing going into the bag. I Just got
a mental idea that you cannot quantify something that
is incomprehensable. Accumulation is to quantify in
some regard.
If this is true, then how does it fit into
"...Inhaling the akasha...filling the whole body with
it." <<

What you are inhaling and filling the body with is the *feeling* of
"being united to the entire infinite space", along with an
"ultra-violet, near black-violet colour". In effect, you are merging
your body and your conscious awareness *with* the Akasha, *through* the
inhalation of its primary qualities.

Once united with the Akasha in this way, you will immediately understand
why the Akasha cannot be dynamically accumulated. To dynamically
accumulate something means that you are confining it, penning in the
explosive pressure of its dense power. But the Akasha penetrates
*everything* -- how then, can you confine it?

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
31 Aug 2004


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