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Re: VoM?

Message 03261 of 3835

Dear Martin,

>> Is this surge of energy something to be ignored? I felt that I had to
concentrate at first on relaxing my body because I was resisting it and
becoming a little tense. <<

This energy is a side-effect and of no intrinsic value. Judging from
your description, I'd say that it was the result of your achieving VoM.
It's such a different state that your body likely translated the newness
into the sensation of energization. You did the absolute correct thing
by *relaxing* and letting the energy dissipate. In other words, you
stayed with the VoM instead of focusing upon the newness. :)

>> After the meditation, I felt extremely joyful and still. I felt that
everything around me (even the wallpaper) was alive and almost a part of
me. <<

:) That is because you had just experienced what it means to *BE*.
Which, of course, is the whole point of VoM -- BEing. Thinking is what
defines differences and separates but VoM is what unites -- through
BEing, which is a common trait of *all* that exists, even the wallpaper.

>> Rawn, what is the best way to build on this during future
meditations? Am I on the right track or being distracted by irrelevant
occurrences? Any advice would be appreciated. <<

You are most definitely "on the right track"! This first experience of
VoM was very dramatic because of its newness but don't be trapped by the
expectation that your next experiences of VoM will be quite so dramatic.
And don't let yourself be disappointed if they aren't. Accept them as
they are, when they occur, which is the real key to VoM. Expectations
will very quickly remove you from VoM, from BEing. :)

Nonetheless, you now know, through personal direct experience, what VoM
*feels* like. This means that you now have a "location" at which to aim
yourself. Let that be your guide.

Congratulations! :)

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
07 Nov 2004


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