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Re: Re: Questions about Fluid Condensers

Message 00099 of 3835

Dear Peter,

Jeesh! You're really keeping me on my toes today, Peter! ;-) After
I'm done with this one, my poor brain's gonna need a long rest! ;-)

Let me start in the middle first:

>> What is the difference between a fluid condenser and a substance that
is naturally composed of the fluids and elements? Also, isn't pretty
much everything composed of the fluids and elements? <<

EVERY thing is composed of the Fluids and their Elements. So, in this
sense, form itself is a sort of Fluid *combiner*. This is different
from a Fluid *condenser* in that the condenser can hold onto an
additional accumulation of the Fluids, separate from the Fluids which
compose its form. Another thing that distinguishes a condenser from
other forms is that holding onto a really, really intense accumulation
will not harm the condenser itself.

>> So then the human body would itself be a fluid condenser in and of
itself, correct? After, through the numerous exercises in IIH Bardon has
the student drawing in and accumulating the elements, fluids and lights
within the self. <<

The human being can be *transformed into* a Fluid condenser, but without
this work of self-transformation, the human body is not, strictly
speaking, a natural condenser. For example, when you load another
person with an accumulation of a Fluid/Element, it will, with time,
dissipate. The body does not *automatically* hold the accumulation.
Plus, the body can be easily damaged by too intense an accumulation
being present for too long a time.

By following the Bardon training you are transforming yourself in the
ways necessary for you to become a Fluid/Element condenser which will
automatically *hold* an accumulated charge for as long as desired,
without harm. In certain circumstances this is a useful ability since
it frees the consciousness from the labor of recharging an accumulation
during an overly-long ritual. But then again, it's a minor advantage
since the same effect can be accomplished in other ways (such as loading
a separate condenser).

>> However, at the same time, I do believe Bardon writes that you should
gradually increase the accumulated charge within the body so not to
overload the body like a capacitor or a circut breaker. In which case
the intrinsic ability for the body to retain an accumulated charge can
be changed with practice. <<

Yes. This is *part of* the transformation process that enables your
bodies to actually hold an accumulation without damage and without the
need for constant replenishment. It's very much akin to what an
Alchemist does to the materia at certain stages, wherein a process is
repeated over and over until the materia reaches a certain fluidity.
The structure of the materia is factually altered and this leads to new
characteristics and capacities, etc.

>>>>You are correct in your idea of astral and mental condensers. A
physical Fluid condenser immediately effects all three realms
simultaneously and must be created within the physical realm, out of
physical materia; an astral condenser, effects the astral and mental
realms simultaneously and must be created within the astral realm,
out of astral materia; and a mental condenser, effects only the
mental realm immediately and, likewise, must be created within the
mental realm, out of mental materia. The process of creating astral
and mental condensers requires a ficility with each of these realms
and the direct manipulation of their respective materia. For
example, in order to create an astral condenser you would need to
directly shape the astral materia itself, be able to finalize its
form (i.e., give it stable duration), and then load it with an
appropriate accumulation of Fluids/Elements. All of these tasks
would need to be carried out within the astral realm.<<<<<
>> I might be totally off base here, but isn't that the procedure within
the first few steps of The Key to True Quaballah? Which might account
for the changes that happen when one works with those exercises. <<

The preparatory Steps of KTQ are a continuation of the aforementioned
process of transformation of the materia, but at a higher pitch, so to
speak. In order for the KTQ transformations to have the correct effect
upon the individual, the prerequisite transformations (Steps One through
Eight of IIH) must already have taken firm hold. In other words, the
preparatory Steps of KTQ only work (properly) upon a sufficiently
prepared materia. Only after the materia has been transform again by
the KTQ preparatory work, is one able to then *speak* Kabbalistically.

Kabbalistic speech itself however, is *more than* a condenser. It's
more akin to a Philosopher's Stone in that it *automatically*
accumulates, combines and sets into motion, the Fluids, without the need
for loading by the magician. Kabbalistic speech is a creative act that
*instantly* gives *form to* the raw, undifferentiated Fluids/Elements.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
03 Jan 2003


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