Hi Rawn, >> I've repeatedly found that the quality presently being worked on tends to *magnify* itself in my life - almost as an explosive parting gesture! << > This IS expected and it's a good thing. It means that you're making headway. < Thank you. May I also ask a question re: Auto-Suggestion? Is the *intense* mental focus demanded of other IIH exercises appropriate for Auto-Suggestion? In my experience, it's very difficult to drift into sleep while maintaining a level of focus commensurate with, say, the single- pointedness exercise. If I perform A-S this way, it feels that I've denied the "proper" mental state (ie, where the subconscious is most receptive) from manifesting. However, if I perform A-S *without* the intense focus (and thereby allow the hypnagoic state to dominate), it feels like the repetitions get lost within the whirlpool of escalating mental noise. Any advice would be much appreciated! Jason