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Re: The little wonders + question

Message 00485 of 3835

Dear Vovin,

Nowhere have I read that the practice of IIH would
lead to results like this... and I am only just
beginning on Step II!!!

I feel the same ...and I'm only at the middle of Step
I. As mentionned in my previous post, a transformative
process has already started - even before the
conscious corrective effort of Step II, which I can
hardly wait to start ...but it looks I'll have to wait
for a few weeks before moving ahead (mirrors far to be
completed + VOM quite short lived :-)

I wonder if anyone has any thoughts regarding
consequences of practice such as these?

Yeeep :-)

In fact, people close from me already made comments
"about a change". I've made decisions, taken stands
and created new contacts using a way that I wouldn't
even have considered 1 month ago - and I did so even
without noticing it before the fact. Just after, I
said "vaw !!" (no pun intended) "how did I do that ?".

The Archaeous works wonder vis-à-vis the
transformative process also. Strong balancing effect.
When I'm in waiting rooms now, I "check up" with my
astral body instead of jumping on a magazine, and I
don't see the time flying :-) Reaching it goes faster
and faster, independently of the inducing process.

I have one little concern that I'll probably be able
to address using IIH: a handicap I have suffered from
for a long time is an excessive empathy : I start
feeling ill/sad/angry each time ill/sad/angry e.g.
people enter my office. And this occurs almost
immediately after they enter. I generaly do not even
know "it doesn't belong to me". Really believe I got
ill ...etc.

So my concern is that this handicap may even increase
now that I have closer contacts with my astral body.

This may now happen however, since said contact
becomes conscious, and as I learn to know myself
better : I may even be more able to detect "something
external" trying to intrude. What do you think ?

Thanks for your previous message btw (moving between
thought control to one pointedness to VOM etc.):
answered a question I was wondering about. I thought
of doing so, but I hesitated because ...I did not know
whether it was allowed technically speaking :-) 
Stupid and typical - but this is one of the things
I'll enjoy to improve: I have gone through so many
techniques and precepts which had to be obeyed "by the
book" that I hesitate taking the liberty to improvise


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