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Re: Step 2 - visualisation and auditory exercises

Message 00770 of 3835

Dear all,
Many thanks for your help. 

<<I recommend the Center of Stillness technique of 
negating the senses as a way to isolate just one sense
at a time>>

I'll do that.

<<Both are acts or creation - just at different levels
of density.>>

That's what I felt. Open eyes visualisation provoked a
sense of "physical tangiblity" (like the "bumps" I
felt at mental/level 1) which did not occur with
closed eyes.
Thanks again.

...If I may: could anybody give me a hint concerning
my previous call for help: "Loss of physical sense of
taste and smell" ?

This person is really suffering from her handicap, and
apart my understanding that a) senses are related to
Elements and b) the astral body give its
interpretations of physical sensations, I don't really
know anything about how to help her. 

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