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Continued Vacancy

Message 01136 of 3835

With the continued vacancy work of later steps, what exactly am I 
looking to achieve. Obviously a longer sustained state, but to me 
there must be something else. I now find vacancy to be relaxing, 
where as before it was tiresome, as I had to really give it my all 
to not allow thoughts to arise. But now, its a peaceful state, 
having adjusted to it I suppose and now I remain there until a 
thought arises, usually something that I pursue after making a note 
of the time. I also have a feeling of touching the infinite. I 
suppose that's the best way to describe it. I feel connected, yet 
alone, maybe alone isn't the best word. I don't feel "At One-ness", 
but maybe just a glimpse, a touch of infinity. If that is what I'm 
experiencing, then that explains the lack of words to describe it ;).

So anyway, am I pursuing this correctly? or is there another 
direction I should be looking towards?

-- Alan


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