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Symptoms of Kabbalahitis and Hermeticitis?

Message 01238 of 3835

Over the past little while I've been completely imersing myself 
within Kabbalah and Hermetics. As such, I feel that I have been 
experiencing a number of symptoms that I feel are signs that I am 
coming down with these two illness. So, this is primarily a warning 
that I, like Rawn from whome I caught this from, am extremely 
contagious and should be approached with extreme caution and Level 4 
biohazard suits as, at this moment in time, it is unclear as to how 
these illness are transmitted. :)

The primary symptom that I seem to be experiencing is that regardless 
of what I am doing, and whatever problem I seem to be facing, I am 
interpriting and understanding all that is presented before me in 
Hermetic and Kabbalahistic terms. Like today, I was thinking and 
suddenly realized that there was one scene within the Matrix that 
rather nicely expressed what I was going through now. It was that 
scene near the end where Neo becomes 'enlightened' and starts to see 
everything as computer code. Which is exactly the same thing as 
percieving how all the cosmic letters combine and interact within day 
to day life. Which, if you're following this analogy a step farther 
makes the divine a computer programmer...

Love and Live well,
Peter Reist


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