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462 times, violet flame and the 7Rays

Message 01489 of 3835

I don't know if these questions had already been posted. 
Excuse my english, i'm french lol, hope u'll understand my 

A question:
Bardon says it takes a charge of 462 times to manifest from the 
higher plane to the physical plane. But what does it mean? 462 what? 
days? minutes? how many minutes per day? Bardon says for the magician 
it is a question of will, i would like to know for peoples who can 
manifest like that, how long did it took?
If we have to wait 462 days before manifesting something it would be 

Another question:
Before i discovered Bardon's books and techniques, i descovered the 
Violet Flamme technique given by St-Germain (who is supposed to be a 
magician and the lord of the 7th ray and another Bardon's 
I was wondering if the violet flamme in the st-germain's technique is 
the same thing as Akasha for Bardon? i explain, the violet flame is 
supposed to come from the 7th ray explain in Alice Bailey's books, 
it's violet like akasha and burn as a fire (violet flame lol). It 
cleans everything, transmute what is not light into light. St-Germain 
says it would be great if everywhere we go we surround and impregnate 
the places with violet flame, everywhere where pain, suffer and 
darkness is, and in any situation of disharmony and discord it 
restore harmony and peace. I think it's not different like if we 
would impregnate a place, a situation, or a person with akasha and 
the intention to restore harmony. Maybe is the violet flame a 
combination of fire and Akasha?

And a last ;-) question: is there a correspondence or a link beetween 
the 7Rays as explain in Alice Bailey's books and the 5elements in the 


The god in me salute the god in u


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