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Re: A nice, sweet, mental sleep.

Message 01705 of 3835

Dear Rawn

>This is a common mis-conception of EOM and the one which makes achieving
>EOM difficult for many folks. True EOM is a completely passive state
>although it does require "some initial willing" to *attain*.

This is important. I would have thought EOM and the state I described to be
completely different things. It seems perhaps that they are different
phases of the same thing.

The keyword for the state I am trying to describe is actually
"nonchalance". I set my timer to 10 minutes and go into a care-less state
(in the best sense of the word). No cares, nothing can bother me, nothing
is interesting enough to identify with.

This leads to an other question. Which is more natural, in the sens of
needig less energy: to be in the mindchatter or to be beyond it? I recall
some study that said lying takes more energy than telling the truth. Could
this "false" mind stuff perhaps be an *exertion*, its continuation more
exhausting than letting it go? If you *really* relax, in a wisely lazy way,
it will recede.



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