Dear NB, Yes, you are right stating that there is differences in what you describes, the main one possibly being that my recall and paths are mainly from the heart, Love and feeling of Unity, and then, the consciousness arise after, not before. In fact you are describing an other sequence which starts with the mental clarity and, I believe, leads to the consciousness of Eternity. The main differences is when coming from "the mystic side", from the Heart, no mental mastery is needed and consciousness is coming after which makes it in fact much simple and easier to obtain. > > If by "difficult moments" you mean the time when you > realized the "fake" aspect of your experiences, I > understand. > I imagine that when this experience of the "I AM" > arises, one should try to keep the perception and to > create an sort-of anchor both at the emotional and > mental level. This anchor may reveal beneficial either > at the next difficult moment, or at the next "plateau" > we have to reach. Well, no, in fact, the "difficult momments" occurs before. These events & difficulties triggers the experience, simply because I was willing, and I was right, to free myself from certain patterns and Karma. As previously in life, I obtained a lot by willing, I was willing, willing, wiling, focussing meditating, breathing .. and praying ... as I believed (and still believe) that such things are given only if God's will. The willing way is the worst, indeed, it is much simpler than that, all is requested is to come to your heart and Love, Devotion and merging thought the Love. THis is only occuring if letting the pity Ego go. But, on the other hands, willing is good because it triggers events, if wanting something, fully which is related to Spiritual achievements, the Universe will answer and signs given. And, then, it is requested to let focus go out of the little Ego and follow the signs. That is why praying is needed, if you are just willing for things happenings, you are focussing on your Ego with your Ego and no opennings is obtained, signs are given but not seen. To me, I hardly see how to keep an anchor when the experience of "I AM" arises, you are completely taken in it. You will have eventually to reconsider you life after that, or not ... But definitely, your perception of Life & experience are changed. Also, you experience an incredible Freedom even if you can be as subject to Karma as before. The paradox with Karma is the following : sometimes things must be done a certain way or there is no balance in the Universe. Then, should you claim the power to overcome, and should this power be granted to you, you will not use it because it should not be used. And this is hard to swallow. The blessing of Love and the Infinite are always with You, and still limitations of one's life and self are still there. So you tends not to care, this is the 'So What' syndrome which is no good at this point (although I remommend the 'So What' mantra, the most powerfull one when meditating). But finally, for me, when looking arround at the succession of events and determinisms - and I am still trapped in it- the most puzzling question is - God, this is completely crazy, on one hand you can experience Eternal Bliss, on the other hand you are in this limitted world. Why is it so ? On this question, I have 2 answers coming from outside : - Rawn Clark : It is so because it is how things must be. And it soukd not be looked at with the dualistic mind. - A buddhist monk (possibly the most astonish things I ever heard in my life, it was during a conference, so not given personnally to me, but, worth noticable is that the monk was said to be Enlightenned, and yes, his conference was simply in perfection) : All the things you are looking at have no essence, no intrinsic reality; as they have no essence, they have no inherent purposes. Therefore, it is vain to ask for the reasons of something which, in Truth, does not exist. Overall, I believe my "why is it so ?" questions remains unanswered. And finally, what I have left is no "plateau to reach", but deepening the experience and get more clarity at mental and emotional level. So that, I can feel the Unity also in my life. Love and Light, Pierre Mikael